•OBJECTIVE: Engage and intrigue the best and the brightest to learn more about the USAF and reinforce the perception of USAF as the high tech leader.
• SOLUTION: We created a online game experience that would appeal to their target audience (young gamers 16-24 with various propensity for the USAF). The game highlighted over 60 USAF careers, extended live tour experiences held throughout the year and encouraged competition as well as social sharing.
–Over 600K visitors
–Over 225K missions completed (16 individual missions)
–62% are within the 16-24 target age group*, exceeding goal of 40-60%
–81% of 16-24 target engage > 10 min and/or play 2 missions*, exceeding goal of 60%
–34:11 avg. game time, exceeding goal of 20:00 – 30:00
–22% registered via Facebook Connect, exceeding goal of 10%