Organic Valley’s tasty mobile app is a wholesome addition to your iPhone, iPad, or & iPod Touch. The Organic Valley app is a place for moms and kids to engage with organic food and have fun! Farm-fresh features of the app include: Where Food Comes From – A dollop of gaming goodness that will entertain and educate your kids! Sound Board – Play the game to unlock sounds the kids would hear down on the farm. Almost as good as being there! Scan & Shop – Scan the bar codes of your favorite Organic Valley foods and learn more about them. Who’s Your Farmer – Enter your zip to find the Organic Valley farms closest to your home. With farms across the country, our mission to save family farms through organic agriculture is working. You can download the app – and remember now, it’s FREE! – from the iTunes Store http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/organic-valley/id498347646?mt=8.